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Popup Properties


In every chart you can set properties of popup which shown when user click or drag on chart

Property Type Default Description
enabled Boolean true specifies popup visibility
animationSpec AnimationSpec tween(400) specifies popup visibility animation spec
duration Long 1500 in column/row charts, specifies how long the popup will be visible
textStyle TextStyle TextStyle.Default specifies popup text style
containerColor Color Color(0xff313131) specifies popup background color
cornerRadius Dp 6.dp specifies popup corner radius
contentHorizontalPadding Dp 4.dp specifies popup horizontal padding
contentVerticalPadding Dp 2.dp specifies popup vertical padding
mode PopupProperties.Mode Mode.Normal specifies popup visibility mode ( you can pass PointMode to make popup visible just on points )
contentBuilder (Double)->String { "%.2f".format(it) } specifies popup content creation template


In line charts your can set specific popup properties for each line, for example you can disable one of lines popup and e.g.


val popupProperties = PopupProperties(
    enabled = true,
    animationSpec = tween(300),
    duration = 2000L,
    textStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.labelSmall,
    containerColor = Color.White,
    cornerRadius = 8.dp,
    contentHorizontalPadding = 4.dp,
    contentVerticalPadding = 2.dp,
    contentBuilder = { value->