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Indicator Properties


In every chart you can set properties of counters next to the chart

Property Type Default Description
enabled Boolean true specifies indicator visiblity
textStyle TextStyle TextStyle.Default specifies counter style
count IndicatorCount IndicatorCount.CountBased(5) specifies counters type and count
position IndicatorPosition Depends on chart specifies indicator position, in line & column charts can be: start or end, in line charts can be: top or bottom
padding Dp 12.dp specifies indicator area padding with chart area
contentBuilder (Double) -> String { "%.2f".format(it) } specifies counter content creation template
indicators List emptyList() overrides chart indicators


val indicatorProperties = HorizontalIndicatorProperties(
    enabled = true,
    textStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.labelSmall,
    count = IndicatorCount.CountBased(count = 5),
    position = IndicatorPosition.Horizontal.End,
    padding = 32.dp,
    contentBuilder = { indicator ->
        "%.2f".format(indicator) + " Million"
    indicators = listOf(10.0,50.0,30.0)
val indicatorProperties = VerticalIndicatorProperties(
    enabled = true,
    textStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.labelSmall,
    count = IndicatorCount.CountBased(count = 5),
    position = IndicatorPosition.Vertical.Top,
    padding = 32.dp,
    contentBuilder = { indicator ->
        "%.2f".format(indicator) + " Million"

Indicators Bases

You can specify type of indicator counts, we have two type: CountBased, StepBased

  • CountBased: it will receive a count number and will divide & calculate and in the end it will show the requested count of indicators.

  • StepBased: it will receive a stepBy value and will split step by given value until it reach min value, for example if (max value = 20, min value = -10) and stepBy value is 5, the indicators will be: 20,15,10,5,0,-5,-10